Monday, August 31, 2009

Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters

From the people who brought you "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies." This new book comes out September 15, 2009. You can preorder at

1 comment:

  1. mpsintern@Quirkbooks.comSeptember 17, 2009 at 7:57 AM


    I ran across your blog and saw your post about "Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters." I'm glad you found it interesting enough to post! I work for the publisher, and I was wondering if you wanted to receive info and updates about the Quirk Classic series. If you do, send us an email at

    I hope you get a chance to read it!

    FYI: We're announcing a new title in the series at the end of the month, so you might want to stay tuned for a message about Quirk Classic #3.

    Thanks for talking about our book, and happy reading!

